Full Moons of 2021 and What They All Signify


Photo Courtesy of Denny Muller via Unsplash 

Regardless of how close you follow astrology, the cosmos, or anything of that nature, I'm sure you're bound to hear, either on social media or in the news during the weather segment, whenever there is a full moon taking place. 

Every year, there are 12 full moons total that you can see on certain days, once a month, from pretty much any place on the planet, no matter where you reside. 

Full moons are symbolic to many different cultures around the globe, including the Native American tribes from North America. 

Now, their definitions of each full moon is different than the definitions that astrologers go by. Example: according to astrologers, February 27th, 2021's full moon is going into Virgo. But according to the classic Farmer's Almanac, the February full moon is actually called the Snow Moon

So which one should you go by? 

Answer: completely up to you! You could even research the spiritual meanings of both and apply them both to your everyday life! 

But since my writing is specifically focused for astrology beginners, I've found its best to not overwhelm, which is why for the time being we're just going to focus on the more traditional meanings of each full moon, thanks to the information you can find in your handy Farmer's Almanac. So here we go! 

The Full Moons of 2021 and What They All Mean 

You're probably thinking: "12 full moons...that's a lot to keep track of." 

But honestly if you think about it, that evens out to only one full moon a month, which means each month we all get a different "theme" per se to focus on. And after you take a look at the following list, I think you'll agree that's a pretty manageable amount that will keep all our rhythm and energies flowing! 

  • Wolf Moon - January 28th - This is the period to hone in on your instincts and intuition, the same way a wolf does in the wild to survive the long winter months. 
  • Snow Moon - February 27th - Endurance and cleansing. Congrats, you've made it through hibernation season! Now that you're out on the other side (endurance), it's time to prepare and make way for the rest of the year (cleansing)! Cleanse your mind, do some physical self care, and clear out your space by removing any clutter, aka spring cleaning
  • Worm Moon - March 28th - Now that it's getting warmer, earthworms are popping back up onto the surface of the ground. Thus time for the robins - the bird of spring - to reappear! Focus on renewal, rebirth, and any new beginnings you have going on in your life. 
  • Pink Moon - April 26th - Probably my personal favorite, mainly because pink is my favorite color! With all the spring (usually pink) blossoms that are now out and about, this is the time to revel in the beauty and joy of the world around us. The earth is truly reawakening now. 
  • Flower Moon - May 26th - More flowers everywhere! This is the time to think about healing and bringing dreams to fruition. Just like when you plant seeds in your outdoor garden, same goes for planting the seeds for your future. Oh, and if fertility is on your mind, then yes, now is the time to get busy! 
  • Strawberry Moon - June 24th - Fun fact: in Europe, they call this the Rose Moon. But for many Native American tribes, this was the season for picking strawberries while they were ripe. So basically, use this transition period to get ready for the summer, the season where we usually feel our most "ripe"! 
  • Buck Moon - July 23rd - The season where new bucks finally grow out their antlers, which means the focus of this period is all in our head. Think of grounding your mind and centering your senses
  • Sturgeon Moon - August 22nd - The sturgeon fish of the Great Lakes are now more easily caught during this time. All this activity from the spring and summer months means now we need to make sure we are putting a focus on balance and creating harmony. 
  • Harvest Moon - September 20th - Yep, you guessed it! It's now time to harvest, collect, and reap the rewards of the seeds you planted back during the Flower Moon! 
  • Hunter's MoonOctober 20th - This was prime hunting season for many Native American tribes, so this is the time to pursue and capture any remaining dreams or goals you had planned for this year. No more planning though, go after what you want for real this time! 
  • Beaver Moon - November 19th - Tribes would now set beaver traps in order to have furs to wear for the upcoming winter. Before we fully go back into cold weather mode however, this is the period that strongly emphasizes giving and sharing, just in time for Thanksgiving! 
  • Cold Moon - December 18th - And just like that, we're almost back right to where we started! A whole year has now passed, so this is the time to sit back and have some good self-reflection. Contemplate your past, present, and future with peace and stillness in your heart. 

Because I couldn't find a full moon map for 2021 that was either accurate or appealing on either Google or Pinterest, I went ahead and created one. Feel free to save or share if you find it helpful. You're welcome. 

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