What Body Part Does Your Zodiac Sign Rule?

Did you know that each zodiac sign has a corresponding part of the human body?
Honestly, I wasn't too aware either, but after doing a little bit of research and using the encyclopedia of all astrology - Joanna Martine Woolfolk's The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need - I found it rather intriguing to see what all the physical "trigger points" for each sign were!
This study was originally all based on ancient medical research. You know, back when both medicine and religion were spiritually aligned and long before the world divided itself over science vs religion. So yes, a very long time ago this information was used.
Obviously in the 21st century, medical practices are very much different now, but it still doesn't hurt to take a look at the list below and see what parts of your body that may be or not be more prone to injury or pain than other parts. And honestly, after I read mine, I now have several IcyHot patches on standby just to be safe...

ARIES - Mind Your Head!
If you're an Aries, you may be more prone to getting headaches. (Probably from all the strain you put on yourself to constantly go, go, GO!) You also might want to actually protect your face, because you're also maybe more likely to get head injuries in all forms, anything from concussions to black eyes! (Yikes!)
TAURUS - Pass the Throat Coat
For Taureans, the neck and throat is your area. So drink plenty of herbal tea because you may be more prone to sore throats, laryngitis, and good ol' mono.
GEMINI - Just Keep Breathin', and Breathin', and Breathin'
As the chatty kathy of the zodiac, it's a shame that you're the one more liable to get the wind knocked right out of you! Keep an eye on your lungs because you may be more susceptible to ailments such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
CANCER - Upset Stomach?
Cancerians are the indulgers of the zodiac, especially when it comes to food. So, don't be surprised if it's common for you to have digestive issues afterwards. (I know I've already mentioned tea in this article, but ginger tea seriously does wonders for the stomach!)
LEO - Back 2 Back
We Leo's can sometimes feel like we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, and most of the time it is self-induced. Whether that is physical weight or emotional, Leo's do not have the strongest of backs. Like I said, IcyHot patches are a MUST!
VIRGO - ...But Did You Die?
Virgos are the first to go into nervous shock, probably from all of the stress that comes along with tying to perfectly clean the entire house, or over-analyzing a situation with all of its details. You. Are. Shook.
LIBRA - Sweet Cheeks
Don't neglect those glutes, now! Squats, lunges, whatever you need to do, that way when you do fall on your derriere (your best asset btw) from being too indecisive, you have a nice cushion to fall back on.
SCORPIO - The Birds and The Bees
No way to sugar coat this, but as the most private sign of the zodiac, it only makes sense that your sign rules the body's private parts. Use protection, all I'm gonna say.
SAGITTARIUS - Legs for Days
Most Sags like to work out or spend time in the great outdoors. All that walking and traveling can cause strain and tension in the legs, so be sure to stretch beforehand!
CAPRICORNS - When The Bones Are Good
It is said that Capricorns have enviable bone structure, but all that beauty may eventually one day lead to problems such as arthritis or broken bones. So don't skimp out on the calcium or vitamin D!
AQUARIUS - A Full Heart
Your life force is the circulatory system, including the veins and arteries. Keep your lifestyle active and moving, just like your mind, and the sky is your limit!
PISCES - You Gotta Cut Loose
Pisceans have musical, dancing feet! But that can also mean you're more prone to calluses, jammed toes, or even bunions. So wear shoes that match your artistic vibe, but are also extremely comfy.
Anyone resonate with the particular body part of your sign? Let me know in the comments!
As always, to read more about your particular sun sign, you can check out my beginner's guide to astrology available on Amazon! (And if you have already read it, please be so kind as to leave a review.)
Until next time, my stargazers.
Your Favorite Leo
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