Fire Signs of Astrology: What Are They and What Do They Mean?
If you came to read a quick, breezy article in regards to astrology, you've come to the right place!
Especially for astrology and star sign beginners, one of the good basics to understand before you dive further into the subject, (and one of the more fascinating tidbits in my opinion), is to know the four elements of the zodiac wheel.
The twelve signs of the zodiac are classified into four distinct groups, each assigned to one of the four elements of nature: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.
Each element group displays certain traits and characteristics that sets them apart from the others. Today we will briefly cover the most blazing of the four - fire!
What Does a Fire Sign Signify?
First, a fire sign signifies many things, but the most common traits to unite them all are energy, boldness, and restlessness.
A fire sign is more likely than others to run towards danger, to take on risks, and to be completely direct when speaking their mind. Fire signs are the most brave, as well as the most impulsive.
In short, fire signs are the trailblazers, the warriors, and the explorers of the zodiac.
What Are The Three Fire Signs?
The three fire signs of the zodiac are: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Each of these three signs are even further unique individuals on their own. Short summary:
Aries: the most ambitious, the most aggressive, and the most fiery of the fire signs. You can handle confrontation just fine, but you may also be known to be extremely temperamental.
Leo: warm-heat. Instead of a sweltering fire, think of the glorious rays of the sun, providing light and enjoyable warmth. The most noble, the most loyal, and the most proud.
Sagittarius: the "cool" fire sign. The one others like the most hands down. The most adventurous and the most optimistic.
To sum it up, fire signs are the leaders in the zodiac that keep the world turning. Without them, new heights would never be reached and great champions would never be made.
To learn even more bright and brilliant facts about fire signs, the elements, or any of the twelve zodiac signs in general, check out my book titled WHAT'S IN A SIGN?, now available on Amazon in both e-reader and paperback format! It's cute, it's affordable and it's easy to read, especially for those who do NOT want to become overwhelmed when reading about astrology.
If you would like to read a brief except from the book to further win you over, you can check out my previous post here!
Check back here in the pretty near future to read the next short tidbit about one of the three remaining elements of the zodiac :)
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