March 2021 Full Moon - Worm Moon

As always, every month there is a full moon, and March's full moon is called the Worm Moon.
I know I know, its not the most aesthetically pleasing of animals to choose from, but the Native Americans specifically chose the worm because earthworms wiggling up from the ground has always signified the start of spring, hence why the earthworm became the spiritual symbol.
So what does the Worm Moon signify for us? Well, to tie in with springtime, March's full moon means it's time to hit the reset button. Think about the "freshness" of new beginnings. Think about "planting the seeds" of what you want to accomplish for this year.
Basically, this is the time to focus on rebirth and renewal.

If you'd like to catch a glimpse of the rest of the full moon schedule for 2021, you can read one of my previous articles to get a brief breakdown. In the meantime, don't let this season of creating new beginnings go to waste! Until next time,
Your Favorite Leo
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