April 2021 Full Moon - Pink Moon

Photo Courtesy of Philip Myrtorp via Unsplash 

April 2021's full moon happens to be based on my favorite color: the Pink Moon

This moon was named after the wild pink phlox that is one of the earliest flowers to bloom in the spring, thus spreading the color of pink everywhere. 

With this vision in mind, the Pink Moon reminds us to revel in the beauty of nature and the world around us. This is a time to spread joy and beauty, that can be anything from planting a garden of your own, to spreading acts of kindness to a complete stranger. 

This is also another time to focus on reawakening of oneself. 

If you'd like to catch a glimpse of the rest of the full moon schedule for 2021, you can read one of my previous articles here to get a brief breakdown. In the meantime, go spread some love around why don't you? Until next time,


Your Favorite Leo 


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