#TaurusSZN: April 19th - May 20th

Photo Courtesy of Katarzyna Grabowska via Unsplash 

Oh Taurus, you are sometimes a bit much for this Leo girl to handle, but you are in fact a very necessary sign for the zodiac. 

You are a stabilizerJust like Aries is the most fiery of the three fire signs, you are the most grounded and the most earth-driven of the three earth signs. Headstrong and not at all afraid to get your hands dirty and work hard, you quickly earn a good name for yourself by showing your dependability and practicality

Want to read more about all things Taurus or any of the other 11 signs of the zodiac? Check out my debut book, the perfect intro to astrology for any beginner! (It's pretty affordable, I promise).

Until next time my star seekers!


Your Favorite Leo 


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