Air Signs of Astrology: What Are They and What Do They Mean?


Photo courtesy of Larm Rmah via Unsplash

Continuing on our journey of exploring the four elements of the zodiac, today we'll cover the three whimsical and delightful air signs

What Does An Air Sign Signify? 

As mentioned in my previous post, there are specific traits within each element that unites all three of them together. 

For the air signs in particular, intellect, independence, and freedom are the major traits or symbols that resonate profoundly within all three of them. 

Air signs are the free-spirits of the zodiac. They value their originality and their individual status in life and in society. 

Air Signs are the wanderers, the peacemakers, and the visionaries

What Are The Three Air Signs? 

The three air signs out of the twelve signs total are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

The personalities and the characteristics of each of these three signs breaks down even further. 

Gemini: the most clever, the most witty, the most adaptable, as well as the most two-faced. (Hey, your symbol is the twins after all!) You use your gift of wearing two faces to your advantage, thus helping you adapt to almost any given situation. 

Libra: the most intelligent, the most reasonable, and the most fair, (both in decision making and usually in the looks department as well). You are usually chosen as a mediator, for you have the ability to be diplomatic in terms of conflict and problems that may arise. 

Aquarius: the most independent, the most freedom-loving, as well as the most rebellious. You are the humanitarian in the group, taking swift action to make sure all your visions for your future and for others come true. 

At their best, air signs are quite literally a breath of fresh air when they step into a room, bringing their sparkling energy and lighthearted humor wherever they go. 

To read more fascinating tidbits about air signs or any of the other elements of the zodiac, you can check out my short and sweet beginner's guide to astrology called WHAT'S IN A SIGN? Astrology holds the vast majority of answers in regards to who we are as humans, all you have to do is open your mind and explore! 

For my next post, we will cover one of the remaining two elements of the zodiac, earth and water. If you haven't already, you can read my previous post about the powerful and blazing fire signs of the zodiac to hold you over in the meantime! 


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